Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sticking the Flares Where the Sun Don't Shine

The use of Bokeh and Lens Flare effects is one of the simplest techniques to add some pizzazz to your captured photography.  Given the latest dreary weather reports in the UK, when looking through our collection for a photo to illustrate this technique, we thought it very appropriate to give some vitality to an image captured by a Picibee Photographer in London.

In the image composite below we started with an image that is not too exciting. By simply adding a Bokeh effect from the Picibee library and then playing around with different blending modes (see image notes), we get an amazingly alive image. You can experiment with these Bokehs and Flares on your portraits, landscapes, still lifes or almost any image.

Visit Picibee's Darkroom for our selection of Bokeh & Lens Flare images. They are sold as bundles or individual images.

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