Wednesday, September 12, 2012


When composing a shot the decisions you make in terms of cropping, focal length, black & white vs. color or overall placement of the shot, are all extremely critical in creating interesting and compelling composition.
Here are a few things Picibee photographers look for in heightening the level of composition. 
-Look for and appreciate the qualities of contrasting shapes. Like "ham & egg".
-Be aware of proportions of objects and shapes & forms. Like a tall thin man and a short stocky, together they compliment and balance each other. 
-Try to find calm in chaos. This can be difficult but this is where cropping and choosing a camera point of view will play a key part.
-Don't give choices. Force the eye to take  in all the forms and to move through your design in specific way but always the way you see it.
-Try to activate the negative volume around and between your positive forms.
And in short make a unified visual statement.

Friday, September 7, 2012


No other color conjures up more attention, more symbolism, more metaphors.  With a little help from some dripping blood it is both the color of life & death. It represents Love and Anger all at the same time. While it is given as a Valentines gift it is also most frequently associated with hatred, anger, aggression and war.
It is by far the most go to color when trying to get attention and when warning given. A tiny amount of Red in a sea of Non-Reds will get your attention like no other. It is selfish and yet equally selfless. When she wants your attention she will have all of it.
At Picibee, we so LOVE Red.